Homework 9

16 Nov

The article “On The Record, All The Time” by Scott Carlson is very interesting and scary in a way. He decided to record his life on a digital audio recorder. Wherevere he went he would record everything. When people on the bus saw him with his recorder hanging on his neck they wouldn’t sit next to him. They use a term lifelogging in the text and people who wear recorders to capture their lives are called lifeloggers. Mark T. Bolas says in this article that one day we will all be wearing recorders every day. He says “The day you die, your kids are going to look at you, when everybody is doing this, and say, You mean you didn’t record when you were growing up? You’re just going to die and all of this is going to go away?” In England and Ireland people have been accustomed to surveillance cameras that combat terrorism. It’s good on one hand becuse people feel safer on the streets and there are smaller chances for terrorrism but on the other hand I wouldn’t want to be recorded all the time. Scott Carlson wrote that one weekend he decided not to wear the recorder, he left it in a drawer. He felt liberated and he even noticed that he was acting different. He was whispering to himself and that was the thing that he would often do when he was alone and was trying to work on ideas for stories. Carlson realized that he almost never did this when he was recording. It is interesting that we act different when we are alone or with family or friends. I think that this idea of recording someone’s whole life is not great.  At least I wouldn’t do it. Recording an important event is fine but not all the time.

Do you really think that one day everybody will be wearing a recorder?

Homework 8

9 Nov

Jennifer Ringley created a website called JenniCam. She let other people to view her daily activities on the inrernet. “She did not wish to filter the events that were shown om her camera, so sometimes she was shown nude or engaging in sexual behavior, including sexual intercourse and masturbation.” I was shocked when I read this. Why would someone let the whole world to see all these intimate things? Her website became very popular but I still think that this idea is crazy! “Justin.tv” is a website which was created in 2007. It allows anyone to broadcast video on the internet. Users broadcast unlimited number of videos. The original Justin.tv was a website where the founder Justin Kan broadcasted his life 24 hours per day.  Justin.tv’s website is based on Adobe Flash. Users can broadcast directly from the website with Justin.tv using Flash to auto-detect and stream from an attached webcam. This article has similarities to the article abut Jennifer Ringley.

Would you put  your whole life on the internet if someone paid you well for this?

“Quiz: What Do Facebook Quizzes Know About you?” This article is very interesting. I never did any quiz on Facebook and now I am never going to do it! Whatever information is on Facebook  is kept in their database and even if we delete it, it only is deleted from the website but not from their database. Also nothing on FAcebook is private, we only think that it is. I don’t put a lot of info on Facebook; I am shocked what often people write on Facebook. I read an article a few months ago that some woman met a new friend and added him on Facebook and one day she was going away and she posted it on Facebook and this guy came to her apartment and robbed her. You have to be careful what you put on Facebook.  “On Locational Privacy, and How to Avoid Losing it Forever.” This article also talks about privacy. Locational privacy “is the ability of an individual to move in public space with the expectation that under normal circumstances their location will not be systematically and secretely recorded for later use.” They talk in the reading about systems that pose a dramatic threat to locational privacy, such as: Monthly metro cards, EZpass, cellphone, free wi-fi with ads for business and electronic swipe cards for doors.  Years ago it was not easy to track a person, and it was expensive. In todays world it’s so easy and free. I feel like it’s too much. Soon we won’t be albe to leave our house without being observed. Do you feel comfortable giving your ID at a store when you return something?  “I Know What You Did Last Math Class” is a very interesting article. I haven’t heard before about these websites where you can check your child’s grades and attendance.  I don’t think that it’s very good. I think that a child might think that we don’t trust him or her. I also think that it can put stress on children. A child should have some privacy also. This technique might be good if we have a child that does not want to tell us about what happened and school and grades. I know a mother whose son does not want to talk to her about school for some reason. If I was her maybe I would use one of these websites but I wouldn’t tell my child. I would still try to talk to him or her.

Do you think that these websites are all right? Would you use them if you had children in school?

“The Web Means the End of Forgetting.” I was shocked when I read in this article that Stacy Snyder was denied her teaching degree. She just posted a picture on MySpace which showed her at a party wearing a pirate hat and drinking from a cup with a sign “Drunken Pirate.” This is crazy! Stacy was working at that time as an intern at a high school; she also was in college. Once her supervisor found out, he told her that that picture was “unprofessional, and the dean from her college said that “she was promoting drinking in virtual view of her under-age students . She wasn’t at work at the time when she was drinking and wearing that hat. I think that what they did was very unfair! And I am even more surprised that this happened in the US. We have to be really careful what they put on the internet.

Homework 7

25 Oct

The first picture which I found on Facebook is a little strange. It’s a picture of a young girl who is wearing something like a zorro mask on her face. She also have a mustache but only on one side of her face. What is even more weird she has the same first name as me and my maiden name is the same as her last name. I think that maybe she is an actress or a performer. She also looks like she likes to pose for pictures. Maybe she is masking her face so people won’t recognize her right away. Her profile was set on private.

The second picture which I found is of an older woman. She looks ver happy in this picture. She looks athletic and like she has a lot of energy. She might be retired and now she just enjoys her life and travels. Her profile was not set to private.

The third person which I randomly found only had a map of Brooklyn as a profile picture. Either this person is from Brooklyn or loves Brooklyn. The picture is colorfull, this might mean that this person is happy and energetic.

The fourth person which I found is a young girl. She looks like she is happy, she has a nice smile on her face. I assume that she is an animal lover the way she is cuddling the puppy. Her profile was not set on private.

The last picture which I randomly found is of a miffle age guy. He looks like he is fixing something, maybe a computer. Or maybe he is just hiding under his desk. I assume that he is nerdy and that’s why he put up a picture like that to show people what he does, and he does not really care what profile picture he has on Facebook.  Or maybe he is a a joker and he put a funny picture on his profile on purpose.  His profile was set on private.

“Here I Am Taking  My Own  Picture” talks about how people nowadays  take pictures of themselves more than years ago; mostly teenagers do it.  Morgan Adams said: “Being able to take pictures of yourself in privacy allows you to do it without inhibitions. Each person takes better pictures of themselves than anyone else can because they know their own minds.”  I personally don’t like taking pictures of myself by myself because they are boring and they only show my face. They also say in this article that teens form their own identities when they take their own self portraits. Years ago, people would reserve their cameras for special occasions; they wouldn’t just take random pictures of themselves.


“Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?” This article talks about how the Social Network Sites such as Facebook and MySpace are not really private.  Whatever we write on these sites people can read.  They asked teenagers if they know that anyone could access their profiles on line they said but why someone would do it?  They think that no one is interested in them but there are people who might stalk them. They also write how some teenagers break up with their boyfriend or girlfriend on Facebook or MySpace. Nowadays people use very often  these SSNes to talk to others  and do  many other things. Is it really good that some people only communicate through text on these websites?  Soon our social skills will disappear and no one will want to meet to talk in person, ev erybody will just stay at home in front of the computer.

Homework 5

12 Oct

 “YouTube Ads Turn Videos Into Revenue. “  I was shocked when I found out that YouTube allows people to put videos without the copyright owner’s  permission on their website. It is only because they bring profit.  “When someone uploaded a recording of the Eminem song “Not Afraid,” for instance, instead of taking down the recording, YouTube ran pop-up ads that let people buy the song or the ring tone and shared the revenue with the copyright owner.” Google bought YouTube for 1.65 billion dollars in 2006 and they want to make as much money as possible. Before YouTube was a place where people would only upload videos, now it makes huge amount of money. In 2010 YouTube brought in about $450 million in revenue.  YouTube is doing more things to earn more money, for example pay per view film rental service.


I remember the first time I experienced “retargeting”. It was on Amazon.com, I had order a book a week earlier and it was a simple process of finding the book I need, adding to basket, and checking out. When I got to checkout I had to create an account and provide my credit card information. A week later my book arrived. The next time I went to Amazon.com I was personally greeted on their web page, “Hello Ewelina!” Needless to say this was scary to me just as it was to the people mentioned in the article “Retargeting Ads Follow Surfers to Other Sites”. Just like these people I didn’t understand the technology behind how this was being accomplished and it was unsettling. I thought my computer had been hacked!The process of retargeting consists of a small text file called a “cookie” being created and left on your computer when you visit most retail web sites. These cookies keep track of what items you have looked at and whether or not you purchased that item. Have you ever gone back to Amazon.com and noticed that the books or cd’s being suggested by the web site are the type that you are interested in? This is done by utilizing the cookies created from a previous visit.Legislators are trying to get strict guidelines on how Internet retailers can use this technology. They want people to easily have the option to opt out of this type of behavior much like you can opt out of having telemarketers call your home. The general feeling of this article is that people do not like this type of marketing, even if they do know how its being done. I would agree with this feeling. I don’t like how it makes me feel like someone is watching my every move.


“For The Love of Google: Landing a Job With Search” is an interesting article. Alec Brownstein wanted to find a better job and he decided to try a different way to look for it. Instead of using Linkedin and Facebook, he chose several names of companies and people that he wanted to work for, then he created  an ad and paid for it to appear alongside search results anytime someone googled these names. This method worked for him and he got a job which he wanted. Two men who hired him at Y&R were surprised how Brownsteir was looking for a job and they liked it. They liked his ad and thought that this method which he used was original. They had other people trying different things to get jobs, for example someone sent a rubber hand with a note saying “If you need a hand with any of your upcoming projects call me.”  Another person sent an oven mitt with a note saying “Look out. My portfolio is coming in next week and it is hot.” The two men did not like any of these ploys. Brownstein was  the only person who they hired based on his self-promotion ploy; it worked for them.

Do you think that these self-promotion ploys will become popular in the future?


Everything about this Old Spice campaign was unique and used the latest technology. Using the most popular social web sites to start an almost grass roots campaign online, grassroots that sprouted faster than your most annoying weeds. A twitter account that had 32,000 followers midday and more than doubled to 94,000 overnight?! This is a advertisers dream to reach so many people, and unlike television advertising, you know you have reached 94,000 individual people. The trust Procter & Gamble put into this team was unprecedented. Tait’s team was allowed to write the marketing content in real time, with little to no supervision. Very risky for Procter & Gamble, what if something derogatory or racist was somehow broadcast? But with great risks brings great rewards. The talent that was needed to pull this all together was also a huge accomplishment. A tech guy who built a system pulling in comments from around the web all together in real time as well as getting certain web groups like Anonymous and 4Chan to like you and let others know that this is cool. 4channers hate everything, especially people who talk about 4chan.

 They talk in “The GYT foursquare Sweepstakes” about STD and that people should get themselves tested. I think that this is a good idea because many women do not to gynecologist very often and they think that everything is fine, then when they go they  find out that they have STD and other problems. Man should get tested too. It is surprising that one in two people has STD. I just do not like the fact that they want people to put it on the internet that they got tested. 

Would you put it on the internet for everybody to read that you just got tested and what was the result?

Homework 4

4 Oct

“Always-on/ Always-on-you: The Tethered Self” by Sherry Turkle talks about how technology has become such a daily part of our lives that we are in a sense morphing into what was once just a science fiction character of decades previous; a Cyborg, half human, half machine. Of course this is just a creative way to describe just how much we as a society rely on things such as smart phones, cell phones, and the Internet. It’s as if we had these things attached (or tethered) to us like an extra arm.


Throughout the reading Turkle seems to be leaning more towards how this is detrimental to us and our degree of being human and interacting with other humans, but does offer an example or two on how these technologies may help some of us become more human. For instance, she speaks about how people have lost the time to be by themselves with only their thoughts because this “Always-on/ always-on-you” technology steals the time spent on a cab ride, the walk to the subway, or while waiting in line at the bank from the tethered host. People feel obligated to constantly check-in when they have a free moment instead of just doing a self check.


It was surprising to read about this girl who is using her virtual “Sims Online” life to help train herself in being a healthier, happier person in real life. She would recreate her real life online and then work out the problems she was having virtually. She felt good about herself while doing this and this would help her make the same feel good decisions in real life. 




“Multitasking Can Make You Lose…Um…Focus” is an interesting article. Multitasking in this text is defined as “shifting focus from one task to another in rapid succession. It gives the illusion that we’re simultaneously tasking, but we’re really not. It’s like playing tennis with three balls.” Psychologists, neuroscientists and others say that multitasking can put us under a great deal of stress and makes us less efficient. We can only do a few things at the same time if they are routine. I find myself multitasking sometimes. For example when I am talking on the phone I do other things too, such as doing laundry or dishes; I just put my phone on speaker and do two things at the same time, I feel like I am not wasting time this way and I don’t have problem on concentrating on both. I am usually very busy so multitasking is helpful. Sometimes I send text messages while I am walking. I wouldn’t be able to read and listen do the music at the same time, I have to concentrate while I am reading, any noise distracts me. Sometimes I listen to the music while I do projects in Photoshop. It says in the article that listening to music while working promotes creativity, so maybe it helps me too. When do you think we will stop multitasking? Will it happen when we retire?




“Driven to Distraction” is a video about multitasking while driving. Many people in this video admit that they talk on the phone while they are driving. Drivers who talk on the phone while driving are 4 times likelier to cause a crash than other drivers. It was shown in the video that even people who use a blue tooth device are distracted and can miss an exit.  People who text while driving are 8 times likelier to cause an accident than people who don’t. I have friend who was texting while she was driving 65mph on a highway. I yelled at her not to do it and she said that it’s fine and it doesn’t distract her. I was really scared. The second video “Texting while driving” was very drastic. My stomach was hurting while I was watching this girl texting, crashing into a car and then another car crashing into her. It was really sad that two girls died in this accident.  I hope that this video will be a warning for teenagers and other people who text while they drive.  Many people don’t listen to warnings; they usually have to experience this on their own in order not to do it again. I posted this video on Facebook for my friends to see. I hope that my friend who was texting while driving 65mph will take the video seriously and stop doing it. The second video had more influence on me because it was very graphic. What do we have to do in order to stop people from texting and talking on the phone while driving?




Homework 3

20 Sep

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

This article is very interesting and made me think. It shows how Google affects people’s brains. Nicholas Carr says: ‘’Over the past few years I’ve had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory.’’ He says that his concentration has changed a lot; it often drifts after reading two or three pages. He feels like he drags himself back to the reading. Carr used to read many pages for hours, now the deep reading that used to come naturally is a struggle. He says that this is because of the Internet. The more he uses the Internet the more he has to stay focused on the reading.

It is stated in the article that the Net is becoming a universal medium. Media supply the stuff of thought, and they also shape the process of thought. The Net seems to chip away our capacity for concentration and contemplation. ‘’The more people use the Web the more they have to stay focused on the piece. Many people have a problem with reading books nowadays. Even articles online bring them trouble. They just skim through them. There was even a research conducted in theUK, and researchers proved that many people ‘’exhibited a form of skimming activity.’’ They would hop from one source to another on the internet and they only read one or two pages of an article or a book, rarely returning to the same source. Research showed that some of these people saved these readings but they don’t have a proof that these people finished reading them. This raises a question,

Did these people read only one or two pages and stopped because they were distracted by other Web pages or because they found the reading not interesting?

I sometimes find myself not concentrating on a reading but most of the time, I think it’s because the subject of the article is not interesting. When I was reading a book this past summer, I was able to concentrate and read many pages without taking breaks. That book was very interesting.

It is also mentioned in the article that the Internet includes other intellectual technologies. We use it as a map, clock, printing press, typewriter, calculator, telephone, radio and TV. It is amazing how our technology is advanced nowadays. Having all these things on the internet may be often helpful. For example when we get lost, we can just use the internet on our phones and Google directions. On the other hand, it can stop many people from buying these listed above electronics and companies which make them will lose some money.

The founders of Google want to build artificial intelligence that would solve problems that have never been solved before. It’s kind of a cool concept; it’s like creating a stew of all the knowledge in the world in one pot. Think about it, we’ve had so many brilliant minds throughout the centuries, Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, and Thomas Edison; individually they solved some difficult problems and brought some pretty amazing inventions into our everyday lives. But just imagine if the intelligence of all these people were combined…it might create inventions/solutions that were never considered or thought of before. I wouldn’t necessarily agree that we would be “better off” if we all had the world’s information attached to our brains or even replaced by a smarter brain because sometimes ignorance is bliss. Not all of us are meant to know or have access to all the worlds’ secrets, it would cause some of us to overload so to speak. Plus, I fear it would take away the magic and mystery of the unknown. So to apply this type of technology for researching cures to diseases and the safety of buildings and cars for example, I think it would be beneficial. Otherwise, read a book, take a walk, look up at the clouds or the stars in the sky and think, wonder, or investigate things on your own. You might find what you’re looking for, you might not, either way this world is too small for a bunch of know it alls.

Chapter 2 ‘’Concept’’ introduces the historical and conceptual foundations of grid design. Grid adds order, continuity and harmony to the presentation of information. It allows an audience to predict where to find information. Grid makes easier to add a new content to a presentation. ‘’The grid has long been an invaluable tool for creating order out of chaos for designers of all kinds-from city planners to architects to typesetters and graphic artists. In recent years, web designers, too have come to discover the remarkable power that grid-based design can afford in creating intuitive, immersive, and beautiful user experiences.’’

Homework 2: Crowds

14 Sep

Keen vs Weinberger

It was an interesting debate. Keen and Weinberger gave their opinions on Web 2.0. The main question was, if  Web 2.0 is good for us.

Keens seems to be against Web 2.0. He says that internet transforms people; it transforms older people and even young children. Keen says that people put on the internet anything and most of it is not good, and other people read it or watch it. He says that Web 2.0 is us. Weinberger said that he agrees that the Web is not very good. It has been a problem and it will be. Ha said that we can search on the internet for things that are interesting and good for us. Some things put on the internet are checked or we can check them. For example, Amazongives us ways of checking if revieres are trustworthy. On Wikipedia sophisitcated goverment processes help establish trust. So not everything is bad, we just have to choose right website and information. I agree with Weinberger, we just have to make right choices and be cautious.

DOWNLOAD THIS: YOUTUBE PHENOM HAS A BIG SECRET, I really liked this article. It’s good to know that not known artist became known just by posting a song on youtube.  Marie Digby posted covers of hits by Nelly Furtado and Maroon 5, among others, this way users searching for these artists would stumble on hers instead. She never thought that doing her video of “Umbrella” at her house would lead this to tv shows and itunes.

Do you think that many other artists like Digby will be discovered through youtube?

CROWDSOURCING: It is sad that so many designers earn so little money for their work. It is not fair that designers get paid  only if their work is chosen. After reading these articles I understand why people consider crowdsourcing evil.

Nerds 2.0

14 Sep

Nerds 2.0″ is a good film. It was interesting to find out that computers were huge in the past; they were the size of a small apartment. Many users were connected to the same computer but they had an illusion that they were using their own computer because computers were very fast and were capable of serving several people. The Internet and World Wide Web were born in the Pentagon. They showed the room in the movie where the internet was invented. It is interesting that years ago people had to change computer stations if they wanted to talk to people in different cities.

It was funny when two mathematicians were talking about how they tried to apply mathematics to gambling. They were caught while they tried to record the sound of the wheel on the roulette in a casino. In the movie are also discussed packets and packet switching. A packet is a little chunk of information sent from one computer to another. Packet switching is the dividing of messages into packets before they are sent, transmitting each packet individually, and then reassembling them into the original message once all of them have arrived at the intended destination.

Homework 1: Reading Response

7 Sep

I found out from the reading that New Media art is an intersection of two domains: Art and Technology, and Media art. The conceptual and aesthetic roots of New Media art broaden back to the second decade of the twentieth century, when Dada movement appeared in a few Europen cities. There are a few other names for New Media art, such as: “Digital art, “Computer art,” “Multimedia art” and “Interactive art.”
New Media art relates to works such as interactive multimedia installations, virtual reality environments and Web-based art which were made using digital technology. New Media art refers to Pop art and Conceptual art also.

There is a New Media Art movement mentioned in the reading. I would like to find out more about it.

I found out something else that was interesting. In a section “Hackers and hacktivism” they explain who a hacker is. I always thought that a hacker is a person who breaks into peoples’ computers to steal information. They say that according to computer scientist Brian Harvey, a hacker is “someone who lives and breathes computers, who knows all about computers, who can get a computer to do anything. Equally important is the hacker’s attitude. Computer programming must be a hobby, something done
for fun, not out of a sense of duty or for the money… A hacker is an aesthete.” Harvey says that in his view a hacker is more like an artist than a criminal. Some hackers use their skills maliciously. Many New Media artists see themselves as hackers, or use hacking as concept or content in their work.

Overall the reading was interesting and I am glad that I had an oppportunity to read this text.


30 Aug

Hello world